Advantages of DataPump Expdp & Impdp :
- Data Pump Export and Import operations are processed in the database as a Data Pump job, which is much more efficient that the client-side execution of original Export and Import.
- Data Pump operations can take advantage of the server’s parallel processes to read or write multiple data streams simultaneously.
- Data Pump differs from original Export and Import in that all jobs run primarily on the server using server processes. These server processes access files for the Data Pump jobs using directory objects that identify the location of the files. The directory objects enforce a security model that can be used by DBAs to control access to these files.
- Datapump has a very powerful interactive command-line mode which allows the user to monitor and control Data Pump Export and Import operations.Datapump allows you to disconnect and reconnect to the session
- Because Data Pump jobs run entirely on the server, you can start an export or import job, detach from it, and later reconnect to the job to monitor its progress.
- Data Pump gives you the ability to pass data between two databases over a network (via a database link), without creating a dump file on disk.
- Datapump uses the Direct Path data access method (which permits the server to bypass SQL and go right to the data blocks on disk) has been rewritten to be much more efficient and now supports Data Pump Import and Export.
- Another amazing feature is that you can "PAUSE" and "RESUME" data pump jobs on demand.
Difference Between Traditional Export/ Import Utility & DataPump:
- Datapump operates on a group of files called dump file sets. However, normal export operates on a single file.
- Datapump access files in the server (using ORACLE directories). Traditional export can access files in client and server both (not using ORACLE directories).
- Exports (exp/imp) represent database metadata information as DDLs in the dump file, but in datapump, it represents in XML document format.
- Datapump has parallel execution but in exp/imp single stream execution.
- Datapump does not support sequential media like tapes, but traditional export supports.
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